The New York Neo-Futurists

The Infinite Wrench

Theater as a mixture of poetry, sport, and living newspaper

Each week, we unveil new plays that speak to our current moment, both personally and societally. This show is foundational to the rest of my work; it is immediate, raw, beautiful, tangible, queer, vulnerable, confident, exciting, messy, and perfect. I was the collective’s Technical Director for six years.

Hit Play

In 2020, I created the Neo-Futurists’ podcast with Julia Melfi.
Each episode tackles a Neo-Futurists’ attempt to accomplish an “impossible task”. From speaking with ghosts to joining the NBA, these poetic explorations of the impossible bring us intimately close with the Neo-Futurist’s desires and comical ponderings.
Prior to 2023, the format of the show featured three to six new audio experiments per episode, seeking to make a unique aural connection about the current moment.
As producer/sound designer, I craft each episode with musical scoring and intricate soundscaping to thread together the impossible attempts and disparate explorations.


In 2020-2021, while we paused our weekly live shows, The New York Neo-Futurists presented a monthly live-streamed show of digital experiments, embracing the chaos, video medium, and immediate global interactions beyond found online. As the co-director and producer of CyberWrench, I established our streaming platform, coordinated and created video work, designed all graphics, and composed the music for the show. It was a unique way of gathering in an isolated time, with rich connections established with those in our community.